Actions toolbar

Actions toolbar is a set of actions on a page, form and so on that includes primary and/or secondary actions. To customize action toolbar .lib-actions-toolbar() mixin is used. To implement the Actions toolbar use the following markup

Sample of using a button + link

Sample of using a button + button

.actions-toolbar {

.example-actions-toolbar-1 {

Actions toolbar mixin variables

Mixin variable Global variable Default value Allowed values Comment
@_actions-toolbar-actions-position @actions-toolbar-actions__position justify justify | left | right | center Position for actions in Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse @actions-toolbar-actions__reverse false true | false Reverse primary and secondary blocks position in Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-margin @actions-toolbar__margin false '' | false | value Margins of the Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-padding @actions-toolbar__padding false '' | false | value Paddings of the Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-actions-margin @actions-toolbar-actions__margin false '' | false | value Margins of all .actions in the Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-primary-actions-margin @actions-toolbar-actions-primary__margin 0 @indent__xs 0 0 '' | false | value Margins of primary .actions in the Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-secondary-actions-margin @actions-toolbar-actions-secondary__margin false '' | false | value Margins of secondary .actions in the Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-actions-links-margin-top @actions-toolbar-actions-links__margin-top false '' | false | value Margin-top for links with class .action in the Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-primary-actions-links-margin-top @actions-toolbar-actions-links-primary__margin-top false '' | false | value Margin-top for primary links with class .action in the Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-secondary-actions-links-margin-top @actions-toolbar-actions-secondary__margin 6px '' | false | value Margin-top for secondary links with class .action in the Actions toolbar

Actions toolbar alignment

@_actions-toolbar-actions-position variable controls aligning actions toolbar elements. It can be set to:

  justify | left | right | center


  @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: justify

Align toolbar elements left:

  @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: left

Align toolbar elements right:

  @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: right


  @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: center
.example-actions-toolbar-2 {
        @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: justify

.example-actions-toolbar-3 {
        @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: left

.example-actions-toolbar-4 {
        @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: right

.example-actions-toolbar-5 {
        @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: center

Reverse primary and secondary blocks

@_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse variable controls reversing of primary and secondary blocks.

If it is set to false, the order of blocks in action toolbar is default.

If it is set to true, the order of blocks in action toolbar is reversed.

Justify toolbar elements and reverse them:

  @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: justify,
  @_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse: true

Align toolbar elements to the left and reverse them:

  @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: left,
  @_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse: true

Align toolbar elements to the right and reverse them:

  @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: right,
  @_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse: true
.example-actions-toolbar-6 {
        @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: justify,
        @_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse: true

.example-actions-toolbar-7 {
        @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: left,
        @_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse: true

.example-actions-toolbar-8 {
        @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: right,
        @_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse: true

Actions toolbar indents customizations

@_actions-toolbar-margin variable controls margins of the actions toolbar wrapper.

@_actions-toolbar-padding variable controls paddings of the actions toolbar wrapper.

@_actions-toolbar-primary-actions-margin variable controls margins of the primary action elements.

@_actions-toolbar-secondary-actions-margin variable controls margins of the secondary action elements.

.example-actions-toolbar-9 {
        @_actions-toolbar-margin: 10px,
        @_actions-toolbar-padding: 10px

.example-actions-toolbar-10 {
        @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: left,
        @_actions-toolbar-primary-actions-margin: 0 50px 0 0

.example-actions-toolbar-11 {
        @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: left,
        @_actions-toolbar-secondary-actions-margin: 0 50px 0 0

Responsive actions toolbar

To set up responsive action toolbar, all floats of its elements should be cleared. To do this .lib-actions-toolbar-clear-floats() mixin is used.

.example-actions-toolbar-12 {

@media only screen and (max-width: @screen__m) {
    .example-actions-toolbar-12 {