Default button

Default style for buttons is set by the .lib-button() mixin. The mixin is called in .lib-magento-reset() or it can be called directly.

Default button large

Default button

Default button small

button {
    .lib-button(@_button-margin: 3px);
    border-radius: 3px;
    &:focus {
        box-shadow: inset 0 2px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.12);

.example-button-1 {
    &.example-button-2 {
    &.example-button-3 {
        border-radius: 0;
        color: #000;
        &.active {
            color: #000;

Button variables

Mixin variable Global variable Default value Allowed values Comment
@_button-font-family @button__font-family @font-family__base '' | false | value Button font family
@_button-font-size @button__font-size @font-size__base '' | false | value Button font size
@_button-font-weight @button__font-weight @font-weight__bold '' | false | value Button font weight
@_button-cursor @button__cursor pointer '' | false | value Button cursor
@_button-display @button__display inline-block '' | false | value Button display
@_button-disabled-opacity @button__disabled__opacity .5 '' | false | value Button disabled opacity
@_button-line-height @button__line-height @font-size__base + 2 '' | false | value Button height
@_button-width @button__width false '' | false | value Button width
@_button-margin @button__margin 0 '' | false | value Button margin
@_button-padding @button__padding 7px 15px '' | false | value Button padding
@_button-gradient @button__gradient false '' | false | true Button has gradient background
@_button-gradient-direction @button__gradient-direction false '' | false | vertical | horizontal Direction of button background gradient (if there is any)
Button default state
@_button-color @button__color @primary__color '' | false | value Button text color
@_button-background @button__background #f2f2f2 '' | false | value Button background
@_button-border @button__border 1px solid #cdcdcd '' | false | value Button border
@_button-gradient-color-start @button__gradient-color-start false '' | false | value Gradient background start color
@_button-gradient-color-end @button__gradient-color-end false '' | false | value Gradient background end color
Button hover state
@_button-color-hover @button__hover__color #555 '' | false | value Hovered button text color
@_button-background-hover @button__hover__background #e2e2e2 '' | false | value Hovered button background
@_button-border-hover @button__hover__border @button__border '' | false | value Hovered button border
@_button-gradient-color-start-hover @button__hover__gradient-color-start false '' | false | value Hovered button gradient background start color
@_button-gradient-color-end-hover @button__hover__gradient-color-end false '' | false | value Hovered button gradient background end color
Button active state
@_button-color-active @button__active__color @button__color '' | false | value Active button text color
@_button-background-active @button__active__background @button__hover__background '' | false | value Active button background
@_button-border-active @button__active__border @button__border '' | false | value Active button border
@button__active__gradient-color-start false '' | false | value Active button gradient background start color
@_button-gradient-color-end-active @button__active__gradient-color-end false '' | false | value Active button gradient background end color
Button with icon
@_button-icon-use @button-icon__use false '' | false | true Button has an icon
@_button-font-content @button-icon__content @icon-settings '' | false | value Button icon symbol
@_button-icon-font @button-icon__font @icon-font '' | false | value Button icon font
@_button-icon-font-size @button-icon__font-size 22px '' | false | value Button icon font size
@_button-icon-font-line-height @button-icon__line-height @button-icon__font-size '' | false | value Button icon line height
@_button-icon-font-color @button-icon__color inherit '' | false | value Button icon color
@_button-icon-font-color-hover @button-icon__hover__font-color inherit '' | false | value Hovered button icon color
@_button-icon-font-color-active @button-icon__active__font-color inherit '' | false | value Active button icon color
@_button-icon-font-margin @button-icon__margin 0 '' | false | value Button icon margin
@_button-icon-font-vertical-align @button-icon__vertical-align top '' | false | value Button icon vertical align
@_button-icon-font-position @button-icon__position @icon__position '' | false | before | after Button icon font position
@_button-icon-font-text-hide @button-icon__text-hide false '' | false | true Button icon text hide

Button as an icon

To make a button look like an icon you need to:

enable icon:

  @_button-icon-use: true

set the font icon code:

  @_button-font-content: @icon-cart

hide button text:

  @_button-icon-font-text-hide: true
.example-button-10 {
        @_button-margin: 3px,
        @_button-icon-use: true,
        @_button-font-content: @icon-cart,
        @_button-icon-font-text-hide: true

Button with an icon on the left or right side of the text

@_button-icon-font-position variable is used to set up the icon postiton

Use before to set up button icon position on the left:

  @_button-icon-font-position: before

Use after to set up button icon position on the right:

  @_button-icon-font-position: after
.example-button-11 {
        @_button-margin: 3px,
        @_button-icon-use: true,
        @_button-font-content: @icon-cart,
        @_button-icon-font-position: before

.example-button-12 {
        @_button-margin: 3px,
        @_button-icon-use: true,
        @_button-font-content: @icon-cart,
        @_button-icon-font-position: after

Button with fixed width

To get a fixed width button, you need to set:

  @_button-width: 100px
.example-button-13 {
    .lib-button(@_button-width: 100px, @_button-margin: 3px);

Primary button

The .lib-button-primary() mixin is used to create a primary button. By default it uses Primary button variables from _variables.less file.

Primary button big

Primary button

Primary button small

.example-button-4 {
        @_button-margin: 3px
    &:active {
        box-shadow: inset 0 3px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.29);
    &.example-button-5 {
        .lib-button-l(@_button-l-padding: 7px 35px);
    &.example-button-6 {
        color: #fff;
        &.active {
            color: #fff;

Primary button variables

In the variables list primary buttons are configured with @button-primary prefix. So for example to configure primary button background you should use @_button-background variable of the mixin or @button-primarybackground of the global variables list.

Mixin variable Global variable Default value Allowed values Comment
@_button-line-height @button-primary__line-height false '' | false | value Button line-height
@_button-width @button-primary__width false '' | false | value Button width
@_button-margin @button-primary__margin false '' | false | value Button margin
@_button-padding @button-primary__padding @button__padding '' | false | value Button padding
@_button-gradient @button-primary__gradient false '' | false | true Button has gradient background
@_button-gradient-direction @button-primary__gradient-direction false '' | false | vertical | horizontal Direction of button background gradient (if there is any)
Button default state
@_button-background @button-primary__background #1979c3 '' | false | value Button background
@_button-border @button-primary__border 1px solid #1979c3 '' | false | value Button border
@_button-color @button-primary__color #fff '' | false | value Button text color
@_button-gradient-color-start @button-primary__gradient-color-start false '' | false | value Gradient background start color
@_button-gradient-color-end @button-primary__gradient-color-end false '' | false | value Gradient background end color
Button hover state
@_button-background-hover @button-primary__hover__background #006bb4 '' | false | value Hovered button background
@_button-border-hover @button-primary__hover__border 1px solid #006bb4 '' | false | value Hovered button border
@_button-color-hover @button-primary__hover__color @button-primary__color '' | false | value Hovered button text color
@_button-gradient-color-start-hover @button-primary__hover__gradient-color-start false '' | false | value Hovered button gradient background start color
@_button-gradient-color-end-hover @button-primary__hover__gradient-color-end false '' | false | value Hovered button gradient background end color
Button active state
@_button-background-active @button-primary__active__background @button-primary__hover__background '' | false | value Active button background
@_button-border-active @button-primary__active__border @button-primary__hover__border '' | false | value Active button border
@_button-color-active @button-primary__active__color @button-primary__color '' | false | value Active button text color
@_button-gradient-color-start-active @button-primary__active__gradient-color-start false '' | false | value Active button gradient background start color
@_button-gradient-color-end-active @button-primary__active__gradient-color-end false '' | false | value Active button gradient background end color

Button with gradient background

The .lib-button() mixin can get its values from _variables.less file or directly

.example-button-7 {
        @_button-margin: 3px,
        @_button-padding: @button__padding,
        @_button-gradient-color-start: #1979c3,
        @_button-gradient-color-end: #006bb4,
        @_button-color: #fff,
        @_button-gradient-color-start-hover: #006bb4,
        @_button-gradient-color-end-hover: #1979c3,
        @_button-color-hover: #fff,
        @_button-gradient-color-start-active: #006bb4,
        @_button-gradient-color-end-active: #006bb4,
        @_button-color-active: #fff,
        @_button-gradient: true,
        @_button-gradient-direction: vertical,
        @_button-border: @button-primary__border,
        @_button-border-hover: @button-primary__hover__border,
        @_button-border-active: @button-primary__active__border
    border-radius: 3px;
    &:active {
        box-shadow: inset 0 3px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.29);

Button reset

The .lib-button-reset() mixin is used to fully reset button styles.

.example-button-14 {

Button revert secondary color

The .lib-button-revert-secondary-color() mixin is used to revert button styles (primary for example) to secondary color styles. Also can be passed any color, background and border if needed.

.example-button-15 {

Button revert secondary color variables

Mixin variable Global variable Default value Allowed values Comment
@_button-color @button__color @button__color '' | false | value Button color
@_button-background @button__background @button__background '' | false | value Button background
@_button-border @button__border @button__border '' | false | value Button border
@_button-color-hover @button__hover__color @button__hover__color '' | false | value Button hover color
@_button-background-hover @button__hover__background @button__hover__background '' | false | value Button hover background
@_button-border-hover @button__hover__border @button__hover__border '' | false | value Button hover border
@_button-color-active @button__active__color @button__active__color '' | false | value Button active color
@_button-background-active @button__active__background @button__active__background '' | false | value Button active background
@_button-border-active @button__active__border @button__active__border '' | false | value Button active border

Button revert secondary size

The .lib-button-revert-secondary-size() mixin is used to revert button sizes to secondary button sizes. Also can be passed font-size, line-height and padding if needed.

.example-button-17 {
.example-button-18 {
        @_button-font-size: 10px,
        @_button-line-height: 12px,
        @_button-padding: 4px 10px

Button revert secondary size variables

Mixin variable Global variable Default value Allowed values Comment
@_button-font-size @button__font-size @button__font-size '' | value Button font size
@_button-line-height @button__line-height @button__line-height '' | value Button line-height
@_button-padding @button__padding @button__padding '' | value Button padding