
Magento UI library provides mixins for flexible page layout customization. For simple quick layout customization global layout variables are used.

header.header {
    background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, .2);
.column.main {
    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 0, .2);
.column.left {
    background-color: rgba(0, 255, 255, .2);
.column.right {
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 255, .2);
footer.footer {
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);

Layout global variables

Variables list names Default value Allowable values Comment
@layout__width '' '' | false | value Page minimum width
@layout__max-width 1280px '' | false | value Page maximum width
@layout-indent__width 20px '' | false | value Page indents on the left and right
Class names defining different layouts
@layout-class-1column page-layout-1column '' | false | page-layout-1column | page-layout-2columns-left | page-layout-2columns-right | page-layout-3columns Class name for one column layout
@layout-class-2columns__left page-layout-2columns-left '' | false | page-layout-1column | page-layout-2columns-left | page-layout-2columns-right | page-layout-3columns Class name for two columns layout with left sidebar
@layout-class-2columns__right page-layout-2columns-right '' | false | page-layout-1column | page-layout-2columns-left | page-layout-2columns-right | page-layout-3columns Class name for two columns layout with right sidebar
@layout-class-3columns page-layout-3columns '' | false | page-layout-1column | page-layout-2columns-left | page-layout-2columns-right | page-layout-3columns Class name for three columns layout with left sidebar
Variables used for layout grid
@total-columns 12 '' | false | value Number of total columns in layout (i.e. 1, 2, 3)
@gutter-width 0 '' | false | value Distanse between columns
Variables for layout columns
@layout-column__width @total-columns '' | false | value Sets base columns number
@layout-column__sidebar-width 2 '' | false | value Sets sidebar width
@layout-column__left-width @layout-column__sidebar-width '' | false | value Sets left column width
@layout-column__right-width @layout-column__sidebar-width '' | false | value Sets right column width
Variables for layout columns depending on layout used
@layout-column-main__width-1 100% '' | false | value Sets one column width
@layout-column-main__width-2-left @layout-column__width - @layout-column__left-width '' | false | value Sets left column width
@layout-column-main__width-2-right @layout-column__width - @layout-column__right-width '' | false | value Sets right column width
@layout-column-main__width-3 @layout-column__width - @layout-column__left-width - @layout-column__right-width '' | false | value Sets three columns layout main column width
Settings variables
@use-flex true '' | true | false Sets compatibility for browsers not supporting flex
@responsive true '' | true | false Is set to true if theme has responsive layout

Page layouts

Default properties for page columns are generated using alias mixins:

#lib-layout-columns - sets columns container

#lib-layout-columns > .main() - alias for main column

#lib-layout-columns > .left() - alias for left column

#lib-layout-columns > .right() - alias for right column

#lib-layout-columns > .reset() - column width and order reset may be used in RWD

These aliases use default class names for layouts predefined in vars (i.e. @layout-class-3columns: layout-3) and general column mixin .lib-layout-column()

Three columns page layout

Two columns page layout with sidebar on the left

Two columns page layout with sidebar on the right

One column page layout

.columns {
    > .column {
        &:extend(.add-box-sizing all);
        .lib-css(padding-bottom, @indent__xl);

@media (min-width: 600px) {
    .column.main {
        #lib-layout-columns > .main();

    .column.left {
        #lib-layout-columns > .left();

    .column.right {
        #lib-layout-columns > .right();

Layout column

The .layout-column() mixin is used to setup page columns. It configures number, position and width of columns

3 columns layout example:

To move main column to the left, change 2nd argument @_order for main and left columns:

  .lib-column.main {
      .lib-layout-column(3, 1, 60%);
  .lib-column.left {
      .lib-layout-column(3, 2, 20%);
.layout-example-3 {
    .column.main {
        .lib-layout-column(3, 2, 60%);
    .column.left {
        .lib-layout-column(3, 1, 20%);
    .column.right {
        .lib-layout-column(3, 3, 20%);

.layout-example-3-1 {
    .column.main {
        .lib-layout-column(3, 1, 60%);
    .column.left {
        .lib-layout-column(3, 2, 20%);
    .column.right {
        .lib-layout-column(3, 3, 20%);

Layout column variables

Mixin variable Allowed values Comment
@_layout__min-width number Number of total columns in layout (i.e. 1, 2, 3)
@_order number Order of current column
@_width number Width set in css units (20%, 300px, etc.) or in grid columns if unit is not specified. (4)

Layout width

The .lib-layout-width() mixin is used to set default page width of the element the mixin is applyed to. It can be used to set width for the whole page wrapper or for the page elements individualy like header, footer, and so on.

Layout width variables

Mixin variable Default value Allowed values Comment
@_layout__min-width '' '' | false | value Page minimum width
@_layout__max-width 1280px '' | false | value Page maximum width
@_layout__indent 20px '' | false | value Page indents on the left and right