
To implement the popup, use the following markup. It corresponds accessibility requirements. To set Popup styles use the .lib-popup() mixin.

The .lib-window-overlay() mixin controls the styles of overlay background.

Simple popup

.window.popup.popup-example {

.window.popup.popup-example-1 {

.window.overlay {

Window overlay mixin variables

Mixin variable Global variable Default value Allowed values Comment
@_overlay-background @overlay__background #000 '' | false | value Overlay background color
@_overlay-opacity @overlay__opacity .5 '' | false | value Overlay opacity
@_overlay-opacity-old @overlay__opacity-old 50 '' | false | value Overlay opacity for old browsers
@_overlay-fade @overlay__fade opacity .15s linear '' | false | value Overlay fade
@_overlay-z-index @overlay__z-index 1000 '' | value Overlay z-index

Fixed height popup

To get a fixed height popup set the desired value for @_popup-height variable:

.window.popup.popup-example-2 {
        @_popup-height: 200px

Fixed content height popup

To get a fixed height popup content set the desired value for @_popup-content-height variable:

.window.popup.popup-example-3 {
        @_popup-content-height: 200px

Modify the icon of popup Close button

The .lib-popup() mixin uses all the same variables as .icon-font() mixin with '@_popup-' prefix added. More information about .lib-icon-font() parameters you can find at Icons page

.window.popup.popup-example-8 {
        @_popup-icon-font-content: @icon-arrow-up,
        @_popup-icon-font-color: #f00,
        @_popup-icon-font-color-hover: #090,
        @_popup-icon-font-color-active: #00f,
        @_popup-icon-font-size: 30px,
        @_popup-icon-font-vertical-align: middle,
        @_popup-icon-font-text-hide: false

Modify overlay styles

To modify overlay styles use the .lib-window-overlay() mixin

.window.popup.popup-example-9 {

.window.overlay.example-overlay-1.active {
        @_overlay-background: #0f5293,
        @_overlay-opacity: .8,
        @_overlay-opacity-old: 80